What is true? Checking porn prejudices

Almost everyone watches it and still half the world is arguing about it. Opponents of porn claim that the films have a bad influence on the health and relationship life of the consumer. Proponents refute common porn prejudices and even attribute positive effects to the erotic flicks. Who is really right? Does porn actually harm? We have tested the biggest porn prejudices for you.

1. Prejudice: porn is addictive

Everyone watches sex films – some more, some less. Some consume regularly, others only in certain phases of life. But at what point does it become too much? Does the diagnosis "porn addiction" really exist? Of course, there are people who would claim that they watch an above-average number of sex films. But very few of them actually develop addictive behavior, which, when abstinent, is accompanied by withdrawal-like symptoms such as irritability, difficulty concentrating, exhaustion or nervousness.

There are also men who definitely have problems regulating their consumption and suffer from compulsive behavior. However, even in this case, psychologists do not speak of a real addiction in the medical sense. This is proven by a Study in the US journal "Biology Psychology". Neuroscientists found that porn movies are not as addictive as, for example, alcohol or cigarettes. Doctors diagnose obsessive porn watching as a personality or behavioral disorder. However, this is rare and can be treated well.

2. Prejudice: watching porn leads to penis problems

Problems with the desire, the potency and the orgasm are to be owed, according to critics, likewise Pornos. The reason for the so-called porn-induced impotence is that the constant viewing of hardcore clips dulls the senses. This prejudice could not be proven by 2 studies published in the scientific journal "Sexual Medicine" (study 1 and Study 2) refute. Scientists proved that men who often watch sex movies are no more likely to have problems with potency or orgasm than men who rarely watch porn. Researchers also did not find an increased risk of erectile dysfunction. They even found something that speaks for a positive influence of erotic films on sex life: The more often and longer the men watch porn, the higher was the desire for sex with their partner.

3. Prejudice: Only sexists watch porn

Porn is only for men who despise women – not only feminists say that. Nonsense, say Canadian researchers. In a study published in The Journal of Sex Research, they proved that subjects who watched porn regularly in the past year were more likely to be in favor of gender equality than men who rarely watched sex movies.

4. Prejudice: Those who watch sex films have unprotected sex more often

The rumor that men who consume porn often are more risky during sex persists. The suspicion is obvious, because in hardcore movies condoms are used rather rarely. In fact, one proved Study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy but that men who regularly watch sex movies are no more likely to have unprotected sex or frequently change sex partners than men who rarely watch porn. How often a man watches porn has nothing to do with the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection either.

5. Prejudice: Sex movies promote sexual violence

Porn viewers are potential rapists? That's some pretty tough stuff. The prejudice that men who often watch porn are more prone to sexual violence has now been definitively refuted. A study in the journal Aggression and Violent Behavior proved the opposite: men who watch sex movies are less likely to be sexually aggressive toward women. However, the authors of the study do not want to commit themselves to the idea that sex films even make men more gentle.

6. Prejudice: Porn ruins the relationship

Does porn really poison your relationship? At least not if you watch the movies with your partner. A Study published in The Journal of Sex Research Proved that couples who watch sex movies together are more satisfied with their sex life than those who never watch porn together. Reason: couples are more willing to experiment in bed. This invigorates love. 

On the other hand, another large-scale study, published in the journal Human Communication Research, found that men who watch porn are more likely to be dissatisfied in their relationship. But note: This doesn't mean porn makes men unhappy in relationships. Rather, it says that men who are dissatisfied in the relationship are more likely to watch sex movies. Researchers explain that men tend to use porn to distract themselves from relationship problems. Behind a sudden increase in porn consumption, there may be a more serious problem.

If you watch sex movies, you don't necessarily ruin the relationship, the character or your health. On the contrary, watching porn together with your partner can even improve your sex life. As long as you don't suffer from your porn consumption, everything is fine. Nevertheless: There is nothing like real sex!

Nick Cherick

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